Monday, June 29, 2009

Twitter Art Show: Trouble in Paradise

OK Twitter:140 Artists! First, I have to thank all of those who have submitted work so far. Some of it looks fantastic!
Here is the current problem.

This show has a theme. The theme was stated in the prospectus:
Theme: Twitter/Art/Connection

Despite the “non-jury” status of this show, as coordinator it is my job to make sure this show looks professional. Also, all works must fit within the theme and prospectus requirements. Artists were given a month to create a specific piece for this Twitter show. Some of the work submitted has interpreted this theme very well and it is obvious. However, others seem to be submitting any piece of art that fits the size requirements.

If it isn’t apparent the work is about TWITTER, the artist needs to include some kind of explanation in their 140 character statement. Tell WHY your work relates to twitter. If any work doesn’t fit into the Twitter theme, it will not be included in the show.

Tomorrow is the deadline. I will be accepting work until midnight PST, June 30th. We will see what happens.
I will keep you posted this week as to our status.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Twitter Art Show: The WAITING Game

This is going to be a quick and easy post. At this point, we are just waiting for the art deadline. Remember: JUNE 30th. We still have 3 weeks left! Don’t feel bad if you aren’t finished. I am doing an assemblage and all the pieces are still scattered all over my studio! Kudos to @jdcasten. He has already submitted his piece (beautiful!) and information (perfect!) Thanks jd!

Another reminder to all Twitter:140 artists: PLEASE check the side bar of this blog and make sure your twitter name is spelled correctly. Also, make sure your name is linked to your website. I want people to be able to find you on Twitter and the web. When I set up the database, I tried very hard to cut and paste all info so I wouldn’t make a typing mistake. However, even this strategy is not fool proof. If there are any problems, you can tweet me or email me:

One thing I want to clarify is about the means of communication. I am NOT sending any communications through email. All information about the show will be posted on this blog. Monday will be post days. I will announce posts and any special announcements via Twitter. If you do not follow me, that is perfectly fine. I include #twitterartshow with any post relating to this show. Therefore, if you go to Twitter Search and plug in that hashtag, you will see all the Twitter posts about this show.

That’s about all I have to say at this point. So I suggest you use the comment section as an “OPEN FORUM”.
Do you have any ideas or concerns?

Speak up!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Twitter Art Show: Positive ENERGY!

OK Groupies! Things are rolling along! I feel really great about the progress we have made in such a short time. Can you believe we started all this only 12 days ago! Is this possible? YES! It shows if we stick together and work on a common goal, it can and will happen!

Here is the latest news:
We have a title for the show. By popular vote it has been determined our “first” show will be titled “Twitter : 140”. I LOVE IT! I don’t know who thought of this name. I remember reading it somewhere in the comments. If you are the one who coined it, THANK YOU. It is a great title!

Notice I wrote our FIRST exhibition. Hopefully, we will be able to organize more shows in the future. I am being optimistic. Therefore, we will use the new title for the show. However, I will continue to use the hashtag #twitterartshow for announcements on Twitter, as well as, keep the name of this blog “Twitter Art Show”. That will be our umbrella name for our group and encompass all future shows. Sounds good to me!!!

I have updated the prospectus with a new header. Also, I added slight additions to the prospectus. Before you call foul, I didn’t change any of the meat of the requirements. I would never do that. I just added a few tidbits. For example, someone asked if the size included the frame. So I put the size requirement DOES include the frame on the prospectus. Now, if you printed the prospectus last week and you plan to frame your work which will take you out of the 140 square inch requirement, don’t get your panties in a wad. It is just fine. I am not going to be measuring anything. It is just fun to stay within that 140 square inch range. As long as you do a piece 140 square inches or less and don’t add on a 3 foot frame, all is well! LOL

Another little reminder I added to the prospectus is about shipping. When we start to ship to galleries be sure to use durable boxes that can endure both delivery and return shipping. That makes sense.
Lastly, I want all of you to start thinking about possible venues. Come July, we will have a viable exhibition proposal package. Who can we send it to? We all have different resources and connections. Let’s use them!
I am keeping a list of venue possibilities given to me by Twitter artists. Keep me posted if you have any ideas. Also, if you have any concerns, suggested blog topics, or general questions, tweet me or email me anytime! @wizzlewolf or

Remember JUNE 30th is our deadline for finished work. Let’s do it!

Opps! ONE MORE THING! This show is still open. The exhibition proposal CD will be based on and include only the artists who submit work by June 30th. If you are new to the group and want to participate, go for it! Print the prospectus and get to work on your piece(s)! Just remember to email me your artist name, twitter name, artist website, and email address. I will add you to the blog hot link list and the database. Send info to: